Weathering can have a dramatic effect on your decking, making what was once a bright and clean surfaces become dirty and slippery. Our Decking Cleaning service can restore your tired looking deck back to its natural appearance and we offer a range of services to enhance and protect you deck for years to come.
Call Today 01482 898 742
We specialise in delivering professional decking cleaning and maintenance services throughout Hull and East Yorkshire. Our expertise extends to both wood and composite decking, offering a comprehensive array of cleaning treatments and additional restoration services to ensure the long-term protection of your deck.
Recognising the significance of your deck as a vital space for entertaining guests, relaxing with family, and enjoying the outdoors, we acknowledge the challenges in maintaining its cleanliness and safety. Contrary to its seemingly simple upkeep, a deck requires cleaning at least annually, if not biannually, to prevent the accumulation of undesirable elements such as green algae and mildew.
Our deck pressure washing service stands as a reliable solution, effectively cleansing the deck surface without causing any damage. Complementing this, our diverse range of treatments is designed to inhibit the growth of organic substances, ensuring a cleaner deck for extended periods. By doing so, we reduce the necessity for frequent pressure washing, contributing to the sustained durability and aesthetic appeal of your deck for years to come.
We will assess your deck and identify any repairs and recommend any required treatments.
We can repair damage such as rotten timber and pre-treat your deck prior to cleaning to kill organics such as algae.
By carefully regulating our pressure washing equipment we can effectively clean your deck without causing damage.
Our decking restoration is designed to rejuvenate your deck and provide a long-lasting protective layer.
Cleaning your decking can revitalise the look of your deck, making it an inviting space for relaxation and entertaining.
Regular maintenance and pressure washing protects your deck from climate damage, prolonging its lifespan and saving you money on costly replacements.
A well-maintained and pressure washed deck can significantly increase the value of your property and make it more appealing to potential buyers.
Fill in the form below and tell us what you need, we will be happy to provide a price, answer any questions, and arrange a home visit to measure and asses your decking.
We will never share your information or spam your inbox!
Not quite ready to make the leap? Not to worry keep reading and hopefully we can persuade you to use our decking cleaning service in Hull.
Revitalise you’re decking with Hedon Exterior Cleaning, your local decking cleaning service in Hull and East Yorkshire. Elevate the appearance of your deck with our comprehensive range of services, including pressure washing service, pre-treatments, repairs, staining, and sealing. We're committed to ensuring your deck looks pristine and we offer practical advice on effective maintenance to keep your deck cleaner for longer.
Our cleaning products are unbeatable in restoring decks, effortlessly eliminating dirt and grime while being gentle on your deck's finish. Trust us to handle your investment with care, leaving your deck looking great in no time.
Hedon Exterior Cleaning Services takes pride in the transformative impact of our decking cleaning service. Witness the once tarnished surfaces become an inviting space through pressure washing, and the joy this brings to our customers throughout Hull and East Ridings, provides a sense of accomplishment that fuels our dedication to quality work.
Join our growing community of satisfied customers who have experienced the Hedon Exterior Cleaning pressure washing service. Take advantage of our special offer: combine two or more of our cleaning services and enjoy a 10% cashback as a token of our gratitude. Discover the excellence we bring to your outdoor spaces, starting with your deck.
Request your FREE quote
Request your FREE quote online and provide us with a few details such as name, contact and a brief description of your project. (example: I have a small decked area that i would like cleaning, treating and restoring)
Once we have your details one of our team will be touch to arrange a survey and assess your decking.
Expert Advice
A member of our team will visit your property to discuss your decking project. We will take accurate measurements and assess any repairs if required.
We will discuss any additional needs such as access, biocide treatments and oxygen bleach to remove algae and staining.
We will also touch on our decking restoration service. But we will not try to hard sell, only highlight the benefits.
Our Best Decking Cleaning Price
At Hedon Exterior Cleaning we believe in affordable pricing and exceptional service.
Our pricing is checked against our competitors, and we always give our very best price, for every service, without compromise. We aim to over deliver on everything we do, and we will not be happy, until you are.
Cleaning Your Decking
Once you have accepted our best price and booked for a clean, a member of our team will give you a courtesy call a few days before the booking to ensure nothing has changed.
On the day of the clean, one of our trained staff will arrive at your property on time as scheduled. We will take care of any planters that may be in the way and ensure our work area is safe for your family and pets. We will conduct any agreed repairs and clean your deck at a low pressure with water.
We will carry out any agreed post treatment that is required and once you are completely satisfied, we will replace all your pots and planters and leave your decking professionally cleaned.
Combine multiple services and get discounts
At Hedon Exterior Cleaning we offer a range of services designed to make your home shine. Be it driveway cleaning or patios sealing. Decking restoration or fence painting, our trained team is here to help.
Combine multiple services from our range and get up to 10% managers discount on your second service valid for six months.
Welcome to our Decking Cleaning and Maintenance FAQ section! We're here to provide answers to your questions and help you better understand the benefits and processes of decking cleaning. If you have a question that's not answered here, feel free to contact us directly for more information.
Decking is exposed to the elements year-round, leading to the accumulation of dirt, mould, and algae. Regular maintenance helps extend the life of your deck, prevents accidents due to slipperiness, and preserves its aesthetic appeal.
Our team is experienced in cleaning various types of decking materials, including wood, composite, and more. We tailor our cleaning methods to suit the specific needs of your deck.
Yes, we use eco-friendly cleaning solutions that are not only safe for your deck but also for the environment. We believe in sustainable and responsible cleaning practices.
The frequency of deck cleaning depends on various factors, such as the local climate and how much use your deck gets. It is recommended to have your deck professionally cleaned every year to maintain its condition.
Yes, we do. If your deck has significant wear and tear, we provide decking restorative treatments, including sanding, staining, and sealing for wooden decks. These treatments can extend the life of your deck and enhance its appearance.
The duration of the cleaning process depends on the size and condition of your deck. Typically, it can take a few hours to a day, ensuring minimal disruption to your daily activities.
Yes, we offer competitive pricing packages to suit various budgets. We believe in delivering high-quality service without breaking the bank.
Our team can perform deck cleaning throughout the year, regardless of the season. However, spring and summer are popular choices due to more favourable weather conditions.
Absolutely. Our cleaning process includes a final inspection to ensure your deck is not only clean but also safe to use. You can enjoy your outdoor space with confidence.
If you have any other questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to provide all the information and assistance you need for your decking cleaning needs in Hull, East Yorkshire.
Decking maintenance not only enhances the beauty of your home but also increases its value. Our decking cleaning service in Hull, East Yorkshire, is the perfect solution to protect your investment. Let us bring your outdoor space back to life, making it a place you will love to spend time in once again.
Do not wait until your deck becomes irreparable. Contact Hedon Exterior Cleaning today to schedule your deck cleaning service. We are dedicated to delivering quality, reliability, and exceptional results. Enjoy a cleaner, safer, and more beautiful deck - your outdoor oasis is just a call away!
Are you tired of looking at your dull, weathered deck that has lost its former glory? Our decking cleaning service in Hull, East Yorkshire, is here to breathe new life into your outdoor space. At Hedon Exterior Cleaning, we take pride in providing quality deck cleaning and decking restoration solutions that will leave your deck looking pristine and ready to enjoy once again.
Decks are a valuable addition to any home, providing a comfortable and inviting outdoor space for relaxation and entertainment. However, over time, they can accumulate dirt, grime, mould, and
algae, making them look unattractive and slippery. Neglecting decking maintenance can lead to costly repairs or even the need for a complete replacement.