Looking for reliable exterior cleaning in Cottingham? At Hedon Exterior Cleaning, we provide high-quality pressure washing, driveway cleaning, sealing, and restoration work for decking and garden furniture. Whether your home needs a refresh or long-term protection, our expert team delivers outstanding results across Cottingham and the surrounding areas.
Our professional exterior cleaning services remove stubborn dirt, algae, and grime, restoring outdoor surfaces to their best condition. Our sealing services for paving and stonework will not only keep your driveway or patio looking it’s best but will eliminate weeds and the need for an aggressive cleaning routine.
Our key services include:
We offer an extensive range of services to compliment any home. Our Gutter Cleaning Service will ensure that they run smoothly free of debris but will also look fantastic by removing unsightly stains and algae.
Modern render is used more and more these days and whilst it looks dashing when first applied, but it can soon become discoloured and stained as algae starts to colonise the surface. What was once lovely and white, soon starts to turn green or red.
Our Render Cleaning Service removes these stains, safely without damaging your render and leaves a residual active ingredient that can prevent regrowth for up to three years* (Depending upon environment). Its then advisable to set up a relatively low-cost maintenance plan to retreat the surface without the need for scrubbing and cleaning. Keeping costs low and your property looking its best.
Hedon Exterior Cleaning is a trusted name in East Yorkshire for professional exterior cleaning. Here’s why Cottingham residents choose us:
Cottingham, often considered one of the largest villages in England, is known for its characterful streets, The Lawns, and the historic St Mary’s Church. Whether you live near Castle Hill, Northgate, or Eppleworth, we’re here to help keep your home’s exterior in pristine condition.
We continually complete exterior cleaning and restoration projects in Cottingham and will update this section with real case studies as we build our portfolio in the area. If you're looking for reliable exterior cleaning, reach out to us today!
Our high-powered pressure washing service removes built-up dirt, moss, algae, and surface grime from driveways, patios, decking, and other hard surfaces. We use advanced equipment to ensure a thorough clean, restoring your outdoor areas to their original condition.
Wooden and composite decking can become slippery and discoloured over time. Our decking cleaning service removes dirt, algae, and mildew, while our decking restoration treatments protect and enhance the wood’s appearance, prolonging its lifespan.
Sealing your driveway is essential to protect it from water penetration, stains, and weather damage. Our professional driveway sealing service enhances durability and provides a fresh, well-maintained look for your home or business.
Restore your outdoor spaces with our expert exterior cleaning & pressure washing services. Contact Hedon Exterior Cleaning today for a free, no-obligation quote and let us bring your property back to life. Call 01482 898 742
Driveways and patios take a beating from the elements, foot traffic, and vehicle use. We provide deep-cleaning treatments that remove oil stains, weeds, and organic buildup, helping to enhance your property’s curb appeal
Get a Free Quote Today
Looking for expert exterior cleaning in Cottingham? Contact Hedon Exterior Cleaning today for a free, no-obligation quote. Let us restore your driveways, patios, and decking to their best condition!
📞 Call: 01482 898742
📍 Serving Hull, Cottingham & Surrounding Areas